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Osnovna škola "Ljudevit Gaj" Krapina

 > Naslovnica

Projekt "Dobre vibracije" - The Video(s)

Autor: Andrija Kiseljak, 9. 3. 2016.

Video spreman.

Video ready.

U subotu, 27.02.2016. , održana je radionica na kojoj su mladi imali zadatak izraditi video i to od početne ideje do same realizacije. Kako je ideja bilo mnogo, snimljena su čak dva videa.

Pogledajte rezultate!

Video1: Friendship can change vibrations

Video2: We are waiting for you


On Saturday, March 27th 2016, we had a teambuilding workshop. The youth (students) had the task to make a video, from an idea into the real thing. There were many ideas and we couldn’t stop at one video, so we made two.

Check out the videos!

Video1: Friendship can change vibrations

Video2: We are waiting for you





Projekt "Dobre vibracije" - The Video(s)

Autor: Andrija Kiseljak, 9. 3. 2016.

Video spreman.

Video ready.

U subotu, 27.02.2016. , održana je radionica na kojoj su mladi imali zadatak izraditi video i to od početne ideje do same realizacije. Kako je ideja bilo mnogo, snimljena su čak dva videa.

Pogledajte rezultate!

Video1: Friendship can change vibrations

Video2: We are waiting for you


On Saturday, March 27th 2016, we had a teambuilding workshop. The youth (students) had the task to make a video, from an idea into the real thing. There were many ideas and we couldn’t stop at one video, so we made two.

Check out the videos!

Video1: Friendship can change vibrations

Video2: We are waiting for you




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